May 20, 2020
Primo Foods is honoured to donate more than 150,000 lbs of product to Food Banks Canada for their national food hamper drive.
Food Banks Canada provides national leadership to relieve hunger today and prevent hunger tomorrow in collaboration with the food bank network in Canada. They are a national charitable organization dedicated to helping Canadians living with food insecurity.
Your support is needed now more than ever. Food banks from coast to coast to coast are feeling the dramatic effects of Covid-19 in their communities. We are calling on all Canadians to support this campaign so that we can source, package and deliver the essential food items our community members so desperately need.
Toronto Raptors and Toronto FC players have something new to fuel their performance on the court and on the field. Primo Foods is the new official pasta of the Toronto Raptors and Toronto FC. The partnership also includes several promotional and brand advertising initiatives thorughout the seasons of both teams.
Primo Foods wishes the Toronto FC a very successful season!
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